Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fail of the Day: 25 Aug. 2010

FAIL! Did you hear this today? I know I did! Today's fail topic... cosplay fails!
Now, some people, are great at this! These, however... are not those people.

Fail#5! : Pokemon fail.
This is a little, well... really really disturbing. Like, omega so. Its not that their rather obese. Or that both of them look a little... creepy. But the fact that they are, in all intents, grown men. Dressed as characters from a show I remember watching as a little kid!

Fail #4 : Sailor Moon Fail!

This... this is so wrong. On so many levels. I wonder if they were in a war with the other SM players? You know... Mister black beard in a skirt from our last Fail of the Day?

Fail #3 : Mister Black-Beard-in-Skirt (I'mma call him Mr. Moon now) has a friend.

I think I found Mr. Moon's Sailor Mars!
Now, I may be wrong, but I don't think this guy is enjoying this. Not at all. This must be one of the people that knows not to cosplay. Bet his buddies needed just one more person to help. It'd be funny is the person they have playing Tuxedo Mask were a girl. Bet that's who he wanted to play.

Fail #2 : Team Kakashi Fail.

Now, I'm not going to sit here and pretend I don't know who these people are. (I mean who their cosplaying.) I do. I freely admit I am a bit of an anime nut. Just a little bit! But this... this almost put me off Naruto for a long long time.

And now, the moment you've been reading this for! Drum roll please, little minion!

Fail of the day goes to!

Gaara Fail!

Someone doesn't want to be here!

And that, my dear readers, is the most epic, of all cosplay fails that I could find! Well... that are child appropriate. I remember wandering about on the internet coming up with rather fat women doing the splits on peoples heads in underwear and going, "OH GOD. Someone shoot me!" There are some things I just don't want to see! And as a kid, taht left an impression! Until tomorrow, bye!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fail of the Day: 8 Aug. 2010

"Fail!" I'm sure you've heard this somewhere. Every day, somewhere, someone is on the road to failing. Epicly. We're doing a count down, the five greatest fails I could find.

Fail #5! : Subbed Fail

Now, what's so great about this is, its not the subbed text that really gets me.
Its the fact that someone had to mention it.
So in my own, FAIL! You didn't need to tell us. (Now I'm being hypocritic) We saw. Unless of course, your like me, and read the caption below the picture first.

Fail #4! : Cosplay Fail.
I don't know about you, but really?
Wow. This guy,contrary to popular belief, has balls.
I don't even think he's at a convention!
Kudos man, and you've made the number four spot,
on Fail of the Day!

Fail #3! : Mating Fail.

No offense man, but I'm pretty sure your doin' it wrong!

Fail #2 : Pet Fail.

Hangin' in there baby?


And finally, our # 1 fail of the day! the moment you've all been reading this for! Drum roll please!

Fail #1! : NINJA KITTY!!!!! Fail!

Honestly, I feel bad for the poor fella. Maybe htough, I feel worse for the person what walks under him. This, people, is why you never let a black cat cross your path!

Until tomorrow, fellow fail followers! If you think something fails epicly enough, send it in!